Swiss Army Man

     I think that Swiss Army Man (2016) by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Schienert, was an overall very interesting movie. When I was watching it for the very first time, I was very confused on what was happening. However, as I am now trying to figure out the theme of this film and what this film was all about, I am starting to understand and even like Swiss Army Man. I believe that this film is all about how people live their life because of love. Being loved and cared for makes us feel more alive and human. The film also portrays that being ourselves and showing our quirks makes us more human. We should accept our flaws and quirks because they are what make us unique and human. 

    In the beginning of the film, we see Hank on a beach trying to hang himself with a rope. He appears very dirty, ragged and upset. This suggests that Hank has been through a lot and is very depressed. Suddenly, he sees a dead person laying on the sand in front of him. Hank then tries to help and care for this man. Due to Hank's care, help and support, the man, who we later find out is called Manny, becomes alive and starts talking. When Hank decided to help Manny and put his own issues aside, Manny felt loved and cared for. He then became alive again due to the love he felt. Manny starts to reciprocate that love and affection by showing many of his special powers that end up saving Hank. One of them being a human jetski powered by farts. While this is one of the rather silly and random things that happen in this film, we see Hank smile for the first time while riding Manny like a jetski. I believe that this scene is a significant part of the film because we see Hank feel free and happy for the first time. Towards the end of the film, we find out that the main reason why Hank had all of Sarah's pictures in his phone was because he loved how she looked so happy and loved all the time. Hank desired to feel her happiness and love so badly. So much so, that he did anything to go back to his old life o he could see her again.
I believe that this adds to the theme of the film that everyone lives for love and wants to be loved. 

    As the film develops and builds, so does Hank's and Manny's love and care for each other. As Manny starts to feel more loved and cared for, he becomes more and more human. For example, he starts to have more deep conversations, thoughts, and even farts more than he did at the beginning. This demonstrates that as we get more comfortable with someone that loves and cares about us, we start to become more "human" and like our true selves. Swiss Army Man teaches us, and especially Hank, that it is okay to be ourselves and show our flaws. Throughout the film, Manny freely lets himself do and say whatever he wants, no matter how much we believe it is embarrassing, gross, or inappropriate. However, towards the end of the film, Manny starts to think that he is weird and gross that he did those things, even though they are human. We see Hank trying to comfort him by telling him that it is okay he did them and that he is not weird or gross. I believe that Hank was also trying to comfort and remind himself that doing "gross" things, according to society, is not in fact gross. It is human and normal. 



  1. I really liked how you touched on the correlation between "gross" and comfort in this film. I believe it's one of the main ideas.


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